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Focuswriter themes download

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T Ukr anslat aini o an s: Cat tra nsla tion, Swedish. What's new: Fixed:Broken emergency cache Dai Updated:Dictionaries.Depl oy progress did not show star backgrou men d with some t hemes.Replaced deprecated code.De Translation up dates: Slo yment.Ukr venia in, Swedi an sh, t Tur an kis lation h. What's new: Updated: ] *]Fixed: Di cti d not load lo n ca les with underscor ies.Translation u Translation updat e es: Armenian, Bosnian, Czech, Dutch, French, Georgian, Italian, Lithuanian, Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Bokmål (Norway), Portugues : e, Sl Ro veni manian, Swed i ish, Turkish, Tur Uk raini sh. What's new: F ixe IXED: Lines were randomly duplicated in ODTFIXED: Di d d no t load locales with unders t read text from lists in ODTFIXED: Formatting was lost when restoring untitled documents from cacheFIXED: Loading headings caused document to shift verticallyFIXED: Timers did not show countdown in tooltipFIXED: Sometimes could not remove dictionariesOnly restore changed files from cacheRefactored codeRemoved XPM iconSwitched to Qt 6Updated Unicode symbols databaseUpdated Windows dic tio nar ies.What's new: FIXED: Lines were randomly duplicated in ODTFIXED: Did not read text from lists in ODTFIXED: Formatting was lost when restoring untitled documents from cacheFIXED: Loading headings caused document to shift verticallyFIXED: Timers did not show countdown in tooltipFIXED: Sometimes could not remove dictionariesOnly restore changed files from cacheRefactored codeRemoved XPM iconSwitched to Qt 6Updated Unicode symbols databaseUpda Always write plain text ed Windows dictiona ries UTF-8 Translation updates: A rmenian, Bosnian, Czech, Dutch, French, Georgian, Italian, Lithuanian, Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Bokmål (Norway ), Po s wr it uguese, R TF as co m depage 1252Repla nian, ced Sw QTe xtCod ec wi s th, ICUT urkish, Ukra nslation updates: Estoni an i, German.What's new: A FIXED: Could not change language in portable modeFIXED: Crashed during paste from context menuFIXED: First l ine indent wa s lost on empty s w paragr ite pla in text phsAlwa ys U write RTF -8Always write RTF a as codep La ge tin1 252Replaced QText IC odec U w it ith iconvI CU mproved Linux deploymentT r ranslation updates: German, Korean s, Portuguese (Brazil ation ), Ru pdates: Es ton si an an, G Swe rman dish.

focuswriter themes download

What's new: FIXED: Could not change language in portable modeFIXED: Crashed durin Did not play sound effect when pressing paste from context men u terFIXED: Played sound effect when opening filesFIXED: First line indent was lost on empty paragraphsAlways write RTF as Latin1Replaced ICU with Missi con vImp g version number oved Linux deploymentT ranslation updates: German, Korea ran, Portugues e (Brazil ), Russ ati a on, Swe upd i ates : Dutch.

Focuswriter themes download