The Prince may also turn into the Young prince then the young adult prince by feeding it 2 diamond blocks. After you kill The King, you will get an egg that spawns The Prince. Some of its highly sought after drops include the Royal Guardian Gear. The King drops every modded item upon death, including items from other mods. Having a few Cephadromes/Hoverboards also benefits, As they can sponge damage from The King and help you reach his hitbox to help you get a few hits off before finally dying. Mobzilla Scale armour and Big Bertha is a must when taking him head on, Having Enchanted Golden Apples or Feather Falling on your Mobzilla Scale armour also helps. The King is no pushover, He can easily decimate Mobzilla and can easily recover any damage done to him. Alternatively, The King may be spawned using a Spawn Egg from its own dungeon. The King can be found at the top of The Tree of Goodness that spawns randomly in the Utopian Dimension.